I can't stand that our little Chloe-Belle is already a week old! I love how small she is, how she smells and her total dependence on us. She is amazing and we are so blessed to have this precious little girl in our lives. We are working on staying awake during the day as opposed to wanting to hang out awake in the middle of the night. She is such an angel though that it isn't upsetting that she likes to be awake during the overnight when everyone else is sleeping.

Here she is having some awake time with her daddy.
Here she is having some awake time with her daddy.
Brooks has adjusted well to having a sister. He isn't terribly interested in her, but did want to give her a check-up a couple of days ago. We had to help him be gentle, but he did a good job and reports that she is in good health. He wanted to give her a shot with his pretend needle but we said no to that because he pushes so hard that it even hurts his mommy and daddy.
As you can imagine if you know Greg, he is an amazing daddy to his little girl. He has been such a help while I recover from surgery. He does it all--feeds, burps, cuddles, cleans, mows, launders, vacuums and makes me feel like everything is going to be alright! He is home another week while I finish up recovering (hopefully). Thank the Lord for a great job that gives him two weeks off with us. He is a wonderful husband and daddy.