The surgery went perfect. This C-Section was a million times easier than the first one. I was rested and knew what was going to happen, but beyond that I had an awesome nursing team that talked me through the whole process. I got a little bit sick (like last time), but it was taken care of with medication within minutes. Dr. J removed Chloe much faster than the doctor who removed Brooks. I think it was less than 5 minutes from when he made the incision that Chloe was lifted out of me. The sounds of her screaming was the best sound in the world. Dr. J wasn't shocked that she had a full head of black hair just like her brother.

Here she is less than 30 seconds after being born. The man in the blue is Dr. J.
Here she is less than 30 seconds after being born. The man in the blue is Dr. J.
Chloe cried very loudly. The nurses back in the nursery commented on how strong her lungs are because she also cried the entire time she was getting her first bath and getting measured. She stopped crying as soon as she was in the room with us and hasn't been much of a cry baby since. She only cries when she is hungry and is very easy to calm down.
Our pediatrician told us that she is a "sucker". She loves to suck on her fingers and a pacifier. I told the pediatrician about Brooks and our struggles to get him off of his pacifier and she didn't seem to worry. She just encouraged us to let Chloe suck on a pacifier if she wants to.
Our first photo with Chloe Isabelle. She seemed so little compared to Brooks. She weighed in at 7 pounds 10 ounces but was 7 pounds 4 ounces when we left the hospital. That is just about two pounds less than Brooks! It makes such a difference. Brooks wasn't able to wear 0-3 month clothing and Chloe needed us to buy her some 0-3 month outfits after she was born because none of her clothes fit her. I put a 0-3 month outfit on her yesterday and she was swimming in it! I must say that it was pretty cute.