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Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Brooks

Brooks is such a happy boy. I am so glad that he feels safe and secure in our home. He is a bundle of energy and sometimes disobeys us, but for the most part Brooks is an amazing kid. His energy wears me down, but also makes me smile. His smile melts my heart and his tenderness is something that I hope he never loses.

Brooks has done a good job adjusting to a sister and has needed just a little bit more attention lately. It is very sweet and understandable. Yesterday, I took just Brooks to his Oma's house to play. It was really nice to have one-on-one time with my Buddy. Chloe had a babysitter and the report is that she slept most of the time. Go figure.

Brooks loves to read and one of his favorite books is still "Marley and Me". He loves to talk about "Baby Louie" and can tell us the story pretty well on his own.

I could just eat this little boy. I love every inch of him and love how his whole body smiles when he is happy. I wouldn't trade his energy for anything.

As always, Brooks had a blast with his Daddy while I went out with the girls last night. They have so much fun together and obviously Brooks adores his Daddy. Couldn't you just kiss those red lips? I could IF he would hold still long enough to let me!

I adore my little boy. He is such a sweetheart.
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