Life with two children is wonderful even though I have yet to experience it as a functioning mother. Things with the C-section are not healing as well as I thought they would and I am still in a considerable amount of pain. So, this means that Greg has been on super duty for the last 12 days. I feel guilty not being able to do much, but the pain is so intense that I am pretty much useless unless I am sitting down or laying down. Hopefully before Greg goes back to work next Tuesday I will be feeling much better. We continue to pray.

Here I am with my sweet kiddos! Chloe still doesn't do much other than sleep and eat and Brooks continues to make us laugh every day. He is such a great observer and doesn't forget anything!
Here I am with my sweet kiddos! Chloe still doesn't do much other than sleep and eat and Brooks continues to make us laugh every day. He is such a great observer and doesn't forget anything!
Brooks has become quite the artist in the last week or so. He loves to make projects for us and bring them to us to show us. He then proclaims, "I am an artist!". It is so cute and he repeats this several times an evening. We have noticed that Brooks enjoys drawing on notebook paper with the color black while pushing very hard on the crayon. It is great artwork as I am sure you can imagine.