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Monday, May 11, 2009

Blowing Bubbles

We got to go to the playground tonight and are really enjoying the nice weather. It is supposed to get rainy and cold the next couple of days, so it was fun to get outside while we could. Brooks got to blow bubbles and seemed to enjoy it. He didn't really make any bubbles and I am sure he ended up with lots of soap in his mouth. He didn't seem to mind though. I guess that is what being a boy is all about.

Right now Brooks is in his bed for the night. It is almost 8:00 pm and he is having a hard time falling asleep. This has been the trend for the last couple of weeks. No matter what we try, he seems to be in his bed talking, laughing and hanging out AWAKE until around 9:00 or sometimes even 10:00. It is a bummer because it doesn't make him sleep longer in the morning and he gets so tired. We never used to struggle with bedtime (and I wouldn't call him staying in his bed singing and playing a REAL struggle) but lately it has been hard for our little guy to settle down for the night. I think it might be because it is still so light outside, BUT at the same time his room is super dark and he can't tell it is light outside. I am sure it is just a phase, but we would both love to figure out how to help him fall asleep a little bit faster.

Everything else is pretty normal around our household. I go to the doctor on Monday for a check-up and things seem to be progressing pretty normal so far. The birth of our little girl is not too far away! Yeah!
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