Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Brooks loves to help me water my plants. He actually does really well holding the hose pointed in the right direction. Once in a while he accidentally has the hose pointed towards him and gets a nice blast of cold water. I think it scares him more than anything. Yesterday, we had the chance to get outside and enjoy the awesome weather. Brooks was such a helper to me...not to mention he was pretty much the cutest little kid I've ever seen with his birthday suit on! As the school bus went down our road he turned and waved to all the kids. I wonder what the elementary kids were thinking of the naked two year old watering the garden. Funny.

Last night we went to the DSSO Symphony Ball. It was a nice time with some pretty good food. It was fun to be with Greg and not so fun to try to dress formal when you are about to have a baby! I did what I could and overall and glad we went. It was fun to get some pictures of the two of us. Thanks Laura!

Mom and Dad can do Brooks' "funny" face too!
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