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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yesterday we headed to the Cities to meet our new cousin, Isaac. It was really nice to spend time with our cousin Dylan, too! Brooks was sweating and rosy-cheeked by the end of the play session. We thought for sure he'd sleep on the way home, but he proved us wrong. He was a great little buddy yesterday and did wonderful on very little sleep. We pulled into our driveway at pretty late and Brooks got up pretty early today. This makes for a very tired little boy who threw a huge temper tantrum when he had to leave Sunday School this morning. Needless to say, a long nap is in order this afternoon.

After nap, we are heading out to look at Christmas lights with Brooks. We told him that we would see Santa and he needed to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas. He continues to tell us he is asking Santa for a purple saxophone. I sure hope Santa can find one.

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