Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 3, 2012

Chloe had a sweet little birthday party to celebrate her turning three.  The theme was strawberries.  Someone asked me if Chloe liked strawberries.  She does, but the theme was inspired by the super cute Target strawberry picnic garb that was on display in early June.  The colors were fresh and bright and we planned to serve picnic food, so it was a win-win.

Chloe had a hard time at her party.  She is SO shy and SO stubborn.  Both traits that she got from her Mama.  Chloe hid in her room for the first part of the party, hid her head in my lap for the second part of the party and needed her daddy holding her for the last part of the party.  When it came time to blow out candles on the cake, she needed both her mommy and daddy to help.  And when it came time to open presents, she had her mommy open them for her.  

She ended up giving hugs and being friendly towards the end of the party.  It just took time...like almost the whole party.  I was feeling so bad (actually I was dying) that she wasn't on her "best", but was reminded by my sweet sister Steph that everyone at the party (all family) loved her and weren't bothered by her shenanigans.  

My mom reminded me that I was the same way.  She refreshed my memory about one of my birthday parties (when I was MUCH older than 3) that I had to excuse myself, while crying, because the attention was too much for me to handle.

It seems Chloe got my personality traits, her daddy's blue eyes and a spunk all her own.

It's interesting to compare Brooks' third birthday party pictures to Chloe's third birthday party pictures. I don't think I need to explain further.