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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No new baby news!

There is no new news on the baby. I went to the doctor on Monday and nothing looks different. We are still on for a week from Friday. I think the last 3 days have been just about the longest days of my life and I can imagine the next 7 will be even longer. I've had lots of support from my family though, which has been a blessing. Yesterday Auntie Linda took Brooks almost all day just to hang out. I was able to relax a little bit and enjoyed being without Brooks for a few hours. Then in the evening, my mom and dad came over (Greg was on a run) and helped me give Brooks a bath and put him to bed. It sounds so funny that I need help with simple tasks, but I am so uncomfortable that any little bit of help seems like a huge deal to me.

We went bowling last week and Brooks liked it for about 4 frames. After that, he just wanted to look at the machines that sold gumballs and candy necklaces. We will have to try again when he is a little bit older.

Last night Oma read Marley and Me to the kids. It was amazing that Brooks held still for almost the whole book. You might notice that Brooks has big boy underwear on in the picture. His Auntie S'ers gave them to him. Don't be fooled by them though, he still is far from being potty trained. I think if I had some energy I might tackle potty training, but for now we continue to use diapers.

Like I said earlier, Brooks got a bath from his Oma and Opa last night. Of course, as always, everything is a game with Opa.
I should mention that Oma was actually in the tub with Brooks. I won't post the picture since I think she'd be upset (she did have a swimming suit on), but it was pretty awesome. Brooks had a blast.

So, we continue to wait for the new arrival. I wish I had some exciting news, but I don't. I went to the gym this morning and lifted legs. I thought this might induce labor, but it didn't (not yet at least). I am going to get up tomorrow before work and walk hills on my treadmill so maybe this will help. If nothing works there is peace in knowing that I only have 8 days left and 9 nights no matter what. I can't wait.
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